36th Annual Congress of Turkish Pediatric Surgical Association and 3rd Annual Congress of IPEG-MEC

View Abstract

Oral Presentation - 31

Predictors of Post-Operative Length of Hospitalisation in Children Undergoing Laparoscopic Appendectomy

A Alsaied*, A Samaha*, M Ali**
*Hamad Medical Cooperation, Doha, Qatar
**Sidra Medicine

Predictors of Post-Operative Length of Hospitalization in Children Undergoing Laparoscopic Appendectomy

Amer Alsaied1 , Abdelhady Samaha1, Mansour Ali 1 2

1 Hamad Medical Corporation

2 Sidra Medicine

Corresponding author:

Amer Alsaied

Pediatric surgeon

Hamad Medical Corporation




Hospital stay post appendectomy is an important factor contributing to cost and morbidity. Aim: Identification of risk predictors of prolonged hospital stay in children undergoing appendectomy. Methods: retrospective collection of data on age, gender, preoperative delay, CRP, WBC intraoperative findings, peritoneal culture, and post-operative stay and complications from medical records on 130 children who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy in 2013. Statistical analysis: ANOVA, student t-test, univariate multiple regression, and multivariate multiple regression. Results: The length of hospital stay was statistically associated with post-operative complications (p = 0.003), and intraoperative findings (p<0.001). Regression analysis showed a weak but statistically significant correlation between intra-hospital delay and post-operative length of stay (p < 0.001) but It was clinically not significant. One-way ANOVA showed a statistically significant association between grade of inflammation intra-operatively and post-operative stay. Conclusion: the intra-hospital delay of surgical intervention is not a reliable predictor of post-operative length of stay. Post-operative length of stay is most likely predicted by other factors related to the severity of the inflammation.

Predictors of Post-Operative Length of Hospitalisation in Children Undergoing Laparoscopic Appendectomy

A Alsaied*, A Samaha*, M Ali**
*Hamad Medical Cooperation, Doha, Qatar
**Sidra Medicine
