29. National Pediatric Surgery Congress and 27. National Congress of The Egyptian Pediatric Surgical Association

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Poster With Presentation - 14

Children With Diafragmatic Hernia: An 11-Year Experience At A Single-Center


Aim: Diafragmatic hernia is herniation of the abdominal contents to the thorax. In this study, we analyzed the clinical, radiologic, and prognostic findings of patients who were treated at our clinic due to diafragmatic hernia within the past 11 years.

Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 72 patients treated for diafragmatic hernia between November 1999 and December 2010. Sex, age at diagnosis, weight, associated anomalies, radiologic findings, hernia type, hernia sac, herniated contents, operation performed, complications and postoperative outcomes were analyzed.

Results:Male/female ratio was 50/22. Minimum  age was 1 day and maximum age was 12 years. The  weight of the patients ranged from 1100 grams to 30 kilograms. 30 patients ( 41.7 % ) had cardiac anomaly, 2 patients (2.8 %) had urinary system anomaly, 1 patient (1.4 %) had ITP and 1 patient (1.4 %) had thrombocytopenia. 1 patient (1.4 %) had hypothyroidism, 4 patients (5.6%) had Down syndrome of which one of them also had pectus excavatum deformity. For diagnostic purposes, all patients had a plain chest x-ray, 50 (69.4 %) patients had contrast enema, 3 (4.2 %) patients had upper gastrointestinal contrast study and 14 patients (19.4 %) had tomography. In addition, 1 (1.4 %) patient had a fluoroscopy and 1 ( 1.4 %) patient had an ultrasonography. As for the types of hernia, 40 (55.6 %) patients had bochdalec, 27 ( 37.5 %) patients had morgagni and 5 ( 6.9 %) patients had diafragmatic hernia  covering the left portion of the diafragm that did not include the anterior and posterior rims. Hernia sac was present in 39 ( 54.2 %)  patients. Corrective operations consisted of primary repair in  67 patients ( 93.1 % ) and prosthetic patch repair in 5 patients (%6.9).  61 patients (84.7 %) had a hernia in colon, 55 patients (76.4 %) in low bowel, 25 patients ( 34.7 % ) in stomach, 28 patients ( 38.9 % ) in spleen, 22 patients (30.6 %) in liver, 8 patients ( 11.1 %) in kidney and  1 patient (1.4 %) in pancreas. 30 patients needed mechanical ventilation. Mean mechanical ventilation time was 8.3 ± 11.65 (Min:1, Max:59 ) days. Mean length of stay in the hospital after operation was 8.6 ± 8.9 (Min:1, Max:59) days. Complications included pnomotoraks in 7 patients (9.7 %) and laceration of the liver in 1 patient ( 1.4 %). 15 (20.8 % ) patients died. Of those who died, 11 patients (73.3 % ) had cardiovascular anomalies (9 patients diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, 1 patient with tricuspid valve regurgitation and 1 patient with a large PDA) and 1 patient (1.4%) had a urinary anomaly. 2 patients (13.3%) died of sepsis. Magnesium sulphate, ilioprost; an anologue of prostacyclin (PGI2), nitric oxide (NO) and dopamine were used for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. 9 of the 12 patients with pulmonary hypertension died (p < 0.01). There was no statistically significant difference between age and mortality (p:0.493), sex and mortality (p:0.127), weight and mortality (p:0.537) and age of operation and mortality (p:0.537).

Conclusion:Although the available literature states that diafragmatic hernia occurs more often in females than males, we found that this type of hernia was more prevalent in males (69.4%) in our sample. 9 of the 12 patients with pulmonary hypertension died and this seems to show a serious relationship between pulmonary hypertension and mortality in  patients with diafragmatic hernia.

Çocuklarda Diafragma Hernisi:Tek Merkez Deneyimi


Amaç:Diafragma hernisi, karın içeriğinin toraks boşluğuna herniasyonudur.Bu çalışmada 11 yıllık dönemde ,kliniğimizde  diafragma hernisi nedeniyle tedavi edilen hastaların klinik,radyolojik ve prognostik bulguları incelendi.

Yöntem:Kasım 1999 ile Aralık 2010 yılları arasında ameliyat edilen  diafragma hernili 72 hasta geriye dönük incelendi. Cinsiyet, yaş, kilo, ilişkili anomaliler, radyolojik tetkikler, herni tipi, herni kesesi varlığı, herni içeriği, uygulanan ameliyat teknikleri  komplikasyonları ve sonuçları incelendi.

Bulgular:Erkek/kız oranı 50/22 idi. En küçük hasta 1 gün , en büyük hasta 12 yaşındaydı.Hastaların kiloları 1100 gr ile 30 kg arasındaydı. 30(% 41.7) hastada kardiak anomali, 2 (% 2.8) hastada üriner anomali, 1 (% 1.4) hastada ITP,1 (% 1.4) hastada trombositopeni   mevcut idi.1 (%1.4) hastada hipotiroidi,4 (% 5.6) hastada Down sendromu , bir hastada beraberinde pectus excavatus deformitesi mevcuttu. Tanı amaçlı tüm hastalara düz ve yan grafi (% 100), 50 (%69.4) hastaya kolon grafisi, 3 (%4.2) hastaya pasaj grafisi, 14 (%19.4) hastaya tomografi gibi radyolojik tetkiklerden bazıları kullanıldı. Ek olarak 1 (% 1.4 ) hastaya floroskopi ve 1 (%1.4) hastaya da USG çekildi.40 (%55.6) hastada bochdalec,27 (%37.5) hastada morgagni hernisi ve 5 (%6.9) hastada anterior ve posterior rimlerin olmadığı diafragmanın sol kısmını kaplayan diafragmatik herni mevcuttu.39 (% 54.2) hastada herni kesesi mevcuttu.67 (% 93.1) hastaya primer tamir,5 (%6.9) hastaya mesh ile tamir uygulandı.61 (%84.7) hastada kalın barsak,55 (%76.4) ince barsak,25 (%34.7) mide,28 (%38.9) dalak, 22 (%30.6) karaciğer,8 (%11.1) böbrek,1 (% 1.4) hastada ise pankreas herniye olmuştu. 30 hastanın ortalama olarak 8.3±11.65 (Min:1,Max:59) gün olmak üzere ventilatör ihtiyacı mevcut idi Postop yatış süreleri  8.6 ± 8.9 (Min:1,Max:59) gün idi.Postop 7 (%9.7) hastada pnomotoraks ve 1 hastada karaciğer laserasyonu gelişti. Diafragma hernili 72 olgudan %79.2 ( 57 )’i cerrahi iyilik hali ile taburcu edilirken, %20.8 ( 15 )’i  hayatını kaybetti. Hayatını kaybeden hastaların % 73.3 (11)’ünde kardiak  (Bunların 9 tanesi Pulmoner hipertansiyon 1 tanesi Trikuspit yetmezliği 1 tanesi de Geniş PDA idi.) , % 6.7 (1) üriner ek anomali mevcuttu.2(%13.3) hasta ise sepsis nedeniyle hayatını kaybetmiştir. Pulmoner hipertansiyon tedavisinde Magnezyum sülfat,Prostasiklin ( PGI2 ) analoğu olan ilioprost , Nitrik oksit (NO) Dopamin uygulanmıştır.Pulmoner hipertansiyonu olan 12 hastanın 9 tanesi exitus olmuştur.(p <0.01). Yaş ile mortalite (p:0493) ,cinsiyet ile mortalite (p:0.127),doğum kilosu ile mortalite (p:0.537) ve ameliyat zamanı ile mortalite (p:0.493) arasında istatistiksel olarak bir anlam bulunamadı.

 Sonuç: Kızlarda daha sık görüldüğü literatürde belirtilen kongenital diafragma hernisi kliniğimizde bilinenin aksine % 69.4  gibi yüksek bir sıklıkla erkeklerde tespit edilmiştir.Pulmoner hipertansiyonu olan 12 hastanın 9 tanesi hayatını kaybetmiştir.Bu da diafragma hernili hastalarda pulmoner hipertansiyonla mortalite  arasındaki ciddi ilişkiyi benzer şekilde göstermiştir.
